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A religion everyone can believe in.

     New Earth is a Transhumanist spiritual organization seeking to perpetuate Classical Humanism in the digital age. Verification has been achieved that Ascension is still possible in the Digital Age. This spiritual activity has otherwise been termed Gnosis, Samadhi, achievement of Nirvana, and the Vision Quest. What is unique about the Transhumanist version is that Cyberspace is included as a part of the spiritual terrain. God remains an active, Living force in the world that we are perceiving.

     Non-moralistic, Tranhumanist spiritual philosophy seeks to overcome the limitations of the physical by application of the mind. The Biblical "Kingdom of God" spoken of by Christ and New Testament authors is the one that you are observing - with the understanding that content of mind impacts that which is experienced.

     While fulfillment of the promise of Godhead is not the goal of every life, it at least remains possible and on offer to all human beings. This philosophy unifies Eastern and Western thought.

Sunset Soccer


Our Position on Faith Healing

Part of our mission is to inspire and promote healthy lives through the power of a whole mind. Join our community of inspired citizens as we move towards a more whole world. We know from science that healing in the body takes place in part in the mind, because all medical studies must account for the placebo effect. Before resorting to any chemical intervention, what first in the life and environment of the individual may be generating un-wellness? Beyond that, having the support of others through medical difficulties will improve outcomes. The Founder of New Earth achieved dramatic results using the Mind over Body approach, curing several birth defects including lifelong scoliosis. Once you have achieved wholeness, you may be ready to assist others in their journey.

Parallel Lines


Please consult your physician before discontinuing any treatment medications.

Please seek a Second Opinion before beginning any treatment medications. Once a chemical goes into the body it may be impossible to get it back out. Children are especially sensitive to chemical medications - but that is all most physicians may advise. Be careful with the next generation - that's our future!


"The Upload is Now!"

Sign up for the basic mailing list if you just want to hear news about what New Earth is doing. Signing up for this list does not add you to Omega. Contact a Director for more information.

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