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A.M. Harkey the Sender

Founder and Executive Director

     A.M. Harkey the Sender is the Founder of New Earth Philosophical School, a religious organization dedicated to the purposes of updating and restoring the Church so that it can serve the changing spiritual needs of the people of the United States. She is the most recent individual known to have performed Ascension.

     Most of the necessary information for performance was collected and handed down by the women of her family line going back to Sarah Harkey Hall, author of Surviving on the Texas Frontier.

Ascension goes by many names in many cultures, including Gnosis in Greek and Moksha or Samadhi to the Hindu; while a Buddhist achieves Nirvana. It is believed to have been at the crux of Pharaonic religion in some dynasties. Many tribal cultures have engaged in some form of the practice.


Lifetime in Leadership

  • Served 3 years as a church musician - both youth and Sanctuary bands.

  • Peer leadership team.

  • Head of Mission Control at
    Space Camp

  • Indiana State Champion Spellbowl Team

  • Inducted into the Thurgood
    Marshall Achievers Society

  • Unschooled for High School

  • Award-winning Youth Choir & Drama Team (8 Categories at State Regional Teen Talent)

  • GED at age 16. High score for the testing site in Omaha, NB.

  • SAT Verbal 780; Math 560.

  • Development teams at multiple Environmental Sites

  • Advanced Zegg Forum Facilitator Training

2 short-term foreign missions:
El Salvador and Mexico



This action was deemed necessary for a number of reasons, but chief among them simply to prove that the active philosophical practice was still possible in the modern era, telecommunications technology notwithstanding. In brief, it had been reported abroad that this act was no longer possible as a result of the dawn of the information age and thus the phenomenon known as God was effectively dead.  Secondly, certain unsavory forces had crept into the church, seeking to turn it into a deeply Rationalist and even Atheistic organization - hypocritically and bluntly raising money for the promotion of religion for its own sake.

     These actions have taken a toll on America's trust in the church. While 81% of Americans believe in God in some form, church attendance has fallen below 50%. Americans are fed up with a church in which the ministers have "a public opinion and a private one." Unfortunately it is too late for many congregations, and we are losing the physical infrastructure of the church at an alarming rate. Without attendance the churches are having to close their doors. The advent of megachurches has also impacted the small, local congregation - having a "Walmart effect" wherever they go in.

     New Earth hopes to offer an alternative to shuttered buildings - often some of the finest examples of American architecture. The loss of these structures represents the loss of the living history of the country. It would be better if these buildings could be saved from developers and turned into Transhumanist community centers. We believe this dream is possible with support from the good people of the United States who would like to see a return to the message and the purposes of the Early Church.

     Everyone deserves the opportunity to practice True Religion without interference from those in positions of institutional power. Every American has a right to raise their children to believe in God and to speak truly that this is their belief without fear of social repercussion.

     Now that at least one Transhumanist Ascension has occurred it is possible to legitimately found Transhumanist religious organizations with IRS 501c3 recognition.

Past Publications

A.M. Harkey is a well-rounded academic having published fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. She is available as a writing coach, editor, speech writer, and reviewer. Graphic design for book covers is also available. In addition to the works depicted she was a book and product reviewer for SageWoman. She assisted in the cataloging effort for a special collection of works featuring motivational, women's memoir, and Racial Justice literature. 


She served as Poetry editor and performed the final layout on "Rocinante" literary magazine's 2002 edition. She took the first two years of the Elementary Education vocational program through to a 30hr internship with Portland Public schools. This was served at the Community Transitional School for houseless students. She creates educational materials using this professional level training. She has authored several community training materials.


Harkey has studied seven languages formally, including diction in the three classical languages; Latin; Hebrew; and Spanish. She gained academic fluency in American Sign Language. She additionally writes Western musical notation. She produces statistical information into readable infographics. She has experience designing demographic study tools.

Contact the Founder directly at for assistance with your literary project. Clean, professional editing or a companion on your spiritual journey - you tell me.


Skills & Accomplishments

February 2013 - November 2019

Environmental Activist (Portland, OR)

Co-founder of the Ecosex Movement in Portland, OR. Promotion of the work of International Founders Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. Kitchen Coordinator to the spearhead event Surrender: the Ecosex Convergence. Crosstie with Network for a New Culture. Ecosex is an environmental activism movement with the purpose of spreading the message that our everyday choices determine the condition of the world in which we live. Created as a positive, friendly, and arts-based activist option for those seeking to engage with environmental activism work.

Summer 2019

PERSONAL ASSISTANT (Events staff, Three Goats Farm)

Summer placement with Gabriella Cordova, founder of Sex Positive World - an organization providing free and inexpensive adult sex education including clear and concise medical information on STIs and good consent practices. Seasonal work as events support staff and facilities. Secretarial and graphic design work. Kitchen management. Some work in a sustainable organic small farm environment.


Community to Semi-professional Theatre

Roles including "the Voice" (narrator) in "A Turbulence of Muses" in 2016 under the celebrated film director Antero Alli. Original cast recording of "Bite Me a Little" as "Tina" which appeared in the Fertile Grounds Festival 2012. She has directed two original full-length musicals: "Unsung Heroes: a Labor Day Pageant" and "to Pass the Veil." She directed one 45-minute documentary entitled "Battle for Bull Run" covering the last days of the fight to save Portland's iconic reservoirs.

A.M. Harkey the Sender recognizes the impossibility of listing every intellectual contributor toward this goal - such a work would itself fill volumes. Special recognition goes to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON for observations on Sanskrit; Loie Fuller for an exemplar of women's leadership in the arts; and to Jesus Christ of Nazareth whose life provided an outline which may be replicated in the West.

Let these three that have been mentioned stand in for all, and may they be considered present wherever their names are spoken. Finally, formal credit is due to my mother and foremothers for having gathered and retained the necessary information for performance of Ascension over a period of five generations. As per my mothers instructions, I found the last few missing pieces and carried it out.

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