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New Earth Philosophical School is accepting submissions to its new Theological Journal focused on Transhumanist Philosophy. No atheist materials will be included in this title. An initial period in which no reader's fees will be assessed has been established and is open until March 31st, 2023. This is to encourage the inclusion of the work of disadvantaged authors.

     New Earth Philosophical School is extending a call for papers to the philosophical and religious communities. You do not have to identify primarily as a Transhumanist if your work touches somehow on the themes identified for this effort: the first Journal to be produced by the School. Some authors may be additionally invited to present on their papers at a future Conference to be held by the School.

     All publications of the School will support the effort to improve the quality of religious education in the United States over-all. This effort demonstrates a commitment to academic integrity. Works are intended to improve the minds of young people and adults alike. This particular effort is focused upon works intended for an adult audience. Articles should be of an academic nature.

     A few very high-quality pieces of memoir may be considered for inclusion.

     We hope to spread the message that religion is indeed “for” intelligent people and that no one is obligated to speak untruth in the name of religion. Religion must update as new information becomes available or it will become obsolete. Traditions of the church should be included as aspects of church history if and when they become outdated.

What is this?

Spiritual Transhumanism

Spiritual Transhumanism rejects the notion that science is anti-God or that religion is anti-technology. Instead, we recognize that the church by nature is a conservative organization inasmuch as it is attempting to preserve heritage culture and to assist parents in passing on an experience of life to offspring. During times in which technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, the church may not be able to keep up with the attendant changes and may act in ways that are detrimental to society rather than beneficial.


Never heard of it? Click the button at left to find the most well-known religious Transhumanist association.

Call for Papers

Before you submit, read the full call for papers. Maybe you already have something that would fit and just need to add some academic sources. If you'd like to contribute but need some guidance, this document includes lots of food for brainstorming. We will also be accepting a small amount of poetry and art contributions, but the journal will primarily feature academic work and will be focused on theology and philosophy.

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