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Where Did We Come From?

A YA Graphic Novel

Hard Cover Art Book. Soft Cover. Spanish/English.

List Price:  $44.99 / 32.77 / 29.99


Meet the forest people, descendants of a strange monkey that chose to live on the forest floor rather than in the trees. In the voice of folktale, the young reader will begin to address major landmarks in philosophy. This illustrated epic is an alternative first man/woman story in the category of magical realism. The notion of a "fall from grace" is replaced with a more realistic view: that conflict over resources will lead to violent behavior in any animal species which will then have to spread into new geographic regions. This uplifting narrative features the positive Transhumanist message that God has been a partner with mankind in a journey to become more than it was before with each passing generation.


Major Landmarks in Myth

Lavishly illustrated, with full color plates or inset graphics on almost every page. Walk into the pages and experience the world as the forest people did in the aeon delivered by the text.


Share this story with your youngster that has begun to ask those tough, "big" questions to make the conversation easier. This book is especially helpful if your household doesn't follow a particular religion but still values moral philosophy. The narrative relies upon animism, the oldest religious position found in the underpinnings of all such writings.

Watch the

Iconographic Novel

     This work has been adapted to short film! Express permission is given to educators to exhibit this work in the classroom as support material. Read by the author with full radio play-style backing track. An immersive experience for young people especially geared to grades 3-6. Upper grade students can be engaged with the material as an example of how literature is modified for purposes of film and audio production.

     While anthropologists continue to debate the specific locations, we know that our ancestors sought out geographic areas that were rich in the resources they used for survival and the production of culture. This work of realistic fiction depicts the "Transmutation of Species" hypothesis which preceded the work of Charles Darwin. It contains the core tenet of Transhumanist spirituality: that we are being met in an ongoing journey in which mankind is constantly becoming greater than it was before by advancing technologies and enriching culture.

Students & Teachers

Essential Curriculum

Click the button at left to download the essential course packet associated with "Where Did We Come From?" Save weeks of labor! Based on an integrated learning model, assignments range from literature to social science to beginning film! Suggested grades range from 3-8; and could work for a multi-grade classroom. Integrates with your lesson plans or build a unit around this work. Colorful & photo-copiable for your budget.


Stay tuned to this page.

The work may serve as support literature or core curriculum for the home/Unschooling parent. Other educators are encouraged to use these materials in the classroom. Please consider purchasing a copy of the work and/or donating to New Earth Philosophical School toward the creation of more educational works in this range.


Expanded edition and reader on the way for use in creating a full unit!


While the specific philosophy represented is Transhumanist, the materials are a synthesis of folklore drawn from many lands. To the best of the recollection of the author, this is the narrative given to her while in infancy - the genuine handed-down wisdom of her ancestors. As this material included philosophical positions stemming from European, American Folk, Daoist and Hindu sources this work has been created as generally appropriate to young readers of any heritage and especially in the United States of America.

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